Dear Aspiring Mama Welcome Divine Guidance

Dear Aspiring Mama, Welcome Divine Guidance

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January 14th, 2022

Entry #9

Dear Aspiring Mama, today I invite you to welcome Divine Guidance into your life. 

This work is not meant to be done alone. 

Open your heart and mind to receiving wisdom from sources that have your highest good at heart.

Connect to the energetic power of your support system, shift from independence to interdependence, see that you are part of a greater ecosystem—not separate. Even if this feels outside of your comfort zone, I assume that you trust your reason for being here enough to take it on. I promise that it will make a difference. 

Divine Guidance can come in many forms:

  • Mother Nature, 
  • God, 
  • The Universe, 
  • The pink bunny that you’ve had since you were 2, 
  • Your dog,
  • Astrology,
  • Numerology,
  • Or another ‘ology or realm that you believe in—although I also invite you to have your beliefs shaken, expanded, and often destroyed. Thus what you consider Divine Guidance now, may evolve into something else in the future, that’s ok. Your journey to and through motherhood is not meant to be linear or fixed but rather, fluid and unpredictable. 

Write to Divine Guidance

Every few days I sit down at the kitchen table, turn to a blank page of my journal or new note in my iPhone and write to God, The Universe, Mother Nature, or My Council Of Light. 


I tell them what’s on my mind and ask them to guide me. Once I have poured my truth out, I invite them to respond through me.

They always do.

Sometimes with a quick reminder to RELAX or pages worth of guidance with simple action or an invitation to go spend time in nature where I will undoubtedly receive the insight I needed or more often, shift the energy that was blocking me from moving forward.

I don’t consider myself a religious person but rather an energetic being living a spiritual experience who is open to expanding her capacity to receive the wisdom beyond what I can see or understand. 

Trusting divine guidance has served me and will serve you. If anything it will allow you to feel less alone on your journey to and through motherhood. 


As we step into the weekend, I encourage you to do the following exercise. 

Write a letter to something or someone that feels divine. It can be God, your Spirit Guides, the Universe, LOVE, your mother, grandmother, or person you admire—whether they are living or deceased.

You choose. 

Write everything that is on your heart. Ask any questions that you may have. Do not hold back. 

Then at the end of your letter, invite Divine Guidance to respond through you. 

Breath. Trust. Surrender.

And allow the response to travel from Divine Guidance through your pen—I recommend that you do this exercise by hand, but it is most important that you do it so adapt as it suits you. 

Do not be attached to what comes through. It doesn’t even have to make sense. You don’t have to show up in any particular way, just show up. As YOU.

What you receive may surprise you. It might be the simplest thing to pages worth of wisdom. Whatever you receive will be perfect. 


Nothing is too big or too small when it comes to connecting with Divine Guidance.

So go for it!

Keep this letter. It is the beginning of a beautiful practice. 


Pay attention to what feels meaningful to you. 

Mother Nature is my ultimate guide. She speaks to me everyday. And often brings messengers on my path: black bears, foxes, deer, blue jays, seals, crows, and rainbows on a blue sky day. I know when I need to inquire about their significance. I can feel it. And I go with it. 

You might meet someone and feel that they crossed your path for a reason. Explore that. Divine Guidance plants hints and gifts all around. 

Start Your Conversation With God

You may also want to dig into Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsh, it was one of my favourite books to listen to in 2021. And you might be inspired to start your own conversation 😉

Your Desires Are Divine

Lastly, remember this: Your desires are divine. And your desire to become a mom is divine. You being here is divine. Thank you.


With love,


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