Learn To Dance With Fear

I can feel my stomach tense up as my finger tips land on the keyboard.

How can I best dive into this topic? (when part of me doesn’t want to share how true it is for me as well?)

There is simply no other way but to jump and hope that the parachute opens at the right time. Because fear is innate in all of us. Hiding from it denies a part of ourselves is key to our evolution, and in turn, our being here at this very moment in time.

In order to open the door to see what fear has to offer, we must step boldly before it and admit that it is there.

Fear has been knocking on that door for a little while. I’ve experienced something similar, yet it feels very different now. It’s empowering and terrifying all at once, because this time, it’s not just about me.

There’s a magical being growing inside of me making one of my biggest dreams come true and for whom I hope to support in realizing theirs.

I am terrified of letting them down before they even come into the world. This fear is showing up primarily in my business goals.


As I read back the few words I’ve just written, I see how much part of my expectations around being a “good” mom lies in how I am able to succeed as a coach and to provide financially for my child. (Am I really going to share this with you?)

I am.

Because I know that even if you’d describe your fear differently, we all, at some point, face one that feels the same. And the only way to unleash ourselves from its paralyzing grip is to admit it.

This kind of fear is deeply linked to what we care most about. Which often is related to what we are here to uncover and realize about ourselves.



And you will come most alive in surrendering and embracing it.

The answer isn’t to push your way through it or to become fearless. I actually believe that although these tactics can provide a temporary result, in the long term, they set you back. Presenting you with the same fear over and over again, until you ease up and open your heart to the love fear is wanting to share with you.

As the Oracle card I pulled yesterday so perfectly guided we must learn to DANCE WITH LIFE.

Instead of charging towards fear like a bull or away from it like a gazelle from a lion, we should instead step onto the dance floor, twirl with fear, and have some fun. Soon enough it will transform from being an ugly looking beast to a kind hearted prince.

Remember, the Universe is the DJ. She is putting on the music and simply wants you to dance to the beat.

You don’t have to know the whole dance before you step on the dance floor. Believe it or not, fear will show you a few moves! As you loosen up, your light will brighten and show you the next step. 

It may come naturally to you or feel strange. You may even stumble, get off beat, and feel silly. What matters is that you stay on the dance floor. The moves all lie within you.

How I’ve been dancing up until this point in my life no longer flows with the new soundtrack the Universe has put on for me.

I’m a beginner again. And I’ve been wanting to stick to the beat by shaking my hips the same way as I’ve done before.

But I haven’t paused, stood still in the middle of the dance floor, closed my eyes, and truly listened to the music.

What if paused, stood still, closed our eyes, and listened? For a short while or for as long as it takes? I have a feeling that the music would become part of us and intuitively we would start moving with it.

I had no idea that this is where my finger tips would take this piece.

I knew I wanted to encourage you to embrace what you fear most.

The notes I took prior didn’t make their way here. I suppose they are part of the music I am no longer meant to dance to.

The only question I have left for you is this:


I’d love to hear from you!

What’s your fear? Share it. You’ll feel better.

What does your fear reveal about what you care most about?

Want to dive in deeper? 
Contact me to set up a BOOST session so that we can tackle any obstacles standing in your way!

Till next time,



Embrace what you truly desire.

The new Group Coaching Experience starts January 2020! Join us on this remarkable journey to conceiving & bringing to life your most authentic self.

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