Dear Aspiring Mama, Honour Your Natural Rhythm

Dear Aspiring Mama, Honour Your Natural Rhythm

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Nature never hurries, yet all is accomplished, Lao Tzo

January 13th, 1:19pm

Entry 9

Dear Aspiring Mama, today we talk about honouring your natural rhythm. 

Have you ever looked at a river and thought, “wow, it should really slow the fuck down.”

Or looked at a young tree and say, “speed up buddy, the clock is ticking.”

Probably not. 

We feel peaceful in nature because everything is going at the perfect speed. From the ants scurrying on the branches to the wind blowing through the trees, we don’t even think of questioning the pace at which everything is moving. We simply appreciate how everything is being. 

So why then do we question our pace?

Why do we rush?

And why does slowing down feel so hard?

Because we have been taught to disconnect from our true nature. 


We’ve been encouraged to treat life like a race, a rat race. To compare ourself to others and assess whether we are ahead or behind.

But what are we racing for?

I for one, do not want to be the first to the finish line. Nor do I want to arrive not having experienced the beautiful scenery along the way. 

The culture of “busyness” is continuously looking for ways to speed things up, reduce your need for sleep, find a new hack, or develop another app to make you more productive—once you make it into the office after rush hour of course.

There are countless books that encourage you to wake up at 5am to be “more successful” (and to cram as much in as possible before aforementioned rush hour.)

But we were not designed to rush or hack anything. We are not meant to be disconnected from ourselves or anything.


Nature designed the perfect pace for everything. From the speed at which a cheetah runs to the time it takes for the sun to set—ever so slowly at first, frozen in time at golden hour before slipping quickly below the horizon. From how quickly sperm travels to the egg to the 40 or so weeks needed to create a beautiful healthy baby. 

Nature’s rhythm is perfect. And so are you.

The journey you and I have embarked on is not about rushing. It isn’t about giving you a quick fix or new hacks to speed your way into a relationship or to the delivery room. Quite the contrary, there is no rush. 

Our work is about:

  • Creating a safe space for you to reconnect to your true nature.
  • Breaking free of the hustle and bustle culture.
  • Learning how to honour your natural rhythm in every area of your life. 



Although for the most part you will need to slow way the fuck down and remove a lot of unnecessary elements from your life. We will also make room for the lightening speed at which the magic of your life is meant to happen. 

We will look at each area of your life and see where you are out of alignment with your natural rhythm. From the pace at which you chew your food to how long it takes you to speak your truth. The goal is for you to improve your ability to notice when you are not honouring yourself and become quicker at restoring your rhythm. 


If you’re feeling the pressure of the biological clock, think that you are running out of time, or disappointed that you haven’t yet conceived despite several attempts to, don’t be discouraged. Remember to choose pleasure, not pressure.

In the coming weeks we will look at transforming your relationship with time and see the beauty in the biological clock. Again, nature has designed everything perfectly.

Although I’m certain that someone is looking into a way to make a baby in 30 days—I rarely say this, but fuck that guy—Mother Nature knows what’s up. No matter how much we try, there is no rushing or slowing down this process. I stand by her design and hope that you will too, starting by honouring your own.

You can’t become a mom faster than you will. But you can honour your process and the way you show up every day. Perhaps that way you will become more present to your life and this may just be the catalyst needed for everything to fall into place.



  • Follow the beat of your own drum. Place your hands on your heart. Close your eyes. And simply tune in to the rhythm of your heart. This is a beautiful way to reconnect to the wonderful flow of life. 


  • Notice your breath. If you feel rushed, your breath will tell you. It will feel shallow and short. To restore your rhythm, take a few minutes—one minute can even be enough—to allow your breath to return to its natural rhythm. If you have a hard time doing this, follow the breath of a sleeping dog or baby. These pure beings always tap into the pace nature set for us.


  • Turn the alarm clock away. Wake up naturally whenever you can.


  • Turn off your devices at night. For one week (or more) start dimming the lights in your home when the sun sets. Turn off electronic devices after dinner. And notice if you naturally want to go to bed earlier.



  • Practice presence as you prepare your water with lemon in the morning, cup of coffee, or whatever beverage fills your cup. Really notice every step and sip you take.


  • Go on slow walks or brisk runs to get into the mood or reflect on what you’ve read.


  • Invite your mother for lunch. Prepare something delicious. Ask her to tell you things you may not know about what motherhood was and has been like for her.


  • Take naps. The Spaniards do it, babies do it, my dog is doing it right now, so should you—whenever you feel the need to.


When you are fully present, time does not exist and you don’t question the pace at which you are going, you simply flow with life.

If you wish to deepen your awareness of presence, read The Power Of Now by Eckart Tolle. I read it years ago however it is on my 2022 reading list, I’m certain that it will feel like I am reading it for the first time. 

As we go along, I will remind you to tune in. To listen to what your mind, body, and spirit needs: to speed up, slow down, or keep going.

Tomorrow we will explore welcoming Divine Guidance. I can’t wait!

With love,

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