It’s not too late to become the mother you dream of!


Stop living in fear and find your path to becoming the mother you are meant to be. 

Slow down, take a deep breath, & enjoy discovering the Aspiring Mama Course.

It’s an honour to be your guide,


Becoming a mom is really important to you, isn’t it?


You thought you’d be a mom by now. But you’re not. And it’s hard. Really fucking hard. You’re starting to question whether becoming a mom is in the cards for you at all.


You’re in your 30s, getting more grey hairs by the day, have plans that could potentially delay becoming a mother, and straight up don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you think you should just throw in the towel, give up, and find a way to get over it.




There’s a part of you that still feels that becoming a mother is something you are meant to be. You just don’t know the road to get there.


It’s ok if you’re feeling sad, mad, and disheartened.


I’m here to tell you that there is a road for you and your desire to become a mom is beautiful. You don’t need to figure this out on your own.


In the Aspiring Mama Course, I will take you on a journey of self-exploration, deep inner work, and powerful transformation for you to find your path to becoming the mother that you are called to be while feeling inspired, empowered, and equipped to enjoy every pit stop along the way!


“Becoming the Mother is every woman’s birthright— regardless of whether or not she raises children.


The Mother is who we needed as a child, who we were meant to be in this life, and who the world needs us to be now.”


— Sarah Durham Wilson, Maiden To Mother

How would your life be different if you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you would become a mom?

If you’ve ever been told “not to worry about becoming a mom” and are starting to worry. Or to “focus on your career” all while feeling a deep inner calling that becoming a mom is part of your DHARMA—your life’s purpose, you’re in the right place.


I’m here to support you in putting your desire, front and centre, instead of something you feel you need to keep a secret or hide behind other pursuits.


I’ve been in your shoes and I’ve coached women who have as well.


For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a mom. I dreamt of having babies and raising my kids. To support them in spreading their wings, realizing their dreams, and teaching them how to get up after every fall.


When it came to motherhood, I thought the formula to “success” was to:

Get an education. Find a good job. Become as independent as possible. Find a guy (and not tell him that you want kids too soon otherwise you’d scare him off). Buy a house together. Get married. And then the baby will come. One or two, three if you’re really lucky. 


I tried to follow this framework but it didn’t work and it’s not working for many of us.


At 32, I found myself single, childless, and living with my parents. I started to question whether becoming a mother was in the cards for me at all. Why wasn’t I a mom yet? What was wrong with me?


What if I never became a mom?

That question was the most difficult to consider. I did my best to avoid it. But it haunted me. It awakened thoughts that I wasn’t good enough, woman enough, or successful enough. I often felt sad, depressed, and, quite frankly, worthless. I hate to admit it, but the possibility of never becoming a mother made me question whether life was worth living at all.


Yet, something inside told me to keep going. To find a way.


Once I tuned into my divine feminine nature and decided to stand proudly in my desire for motherhood, everything changed. And I mean, everything. I designed a frameworkrooted in sacred energy, self-love, mindset, and play! I put my personal life first, did the work, called in my man, and at 35 I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Alicia Rose.


Having my daughter was just the beginning of my understanding of what it means to be a mother and to become a mother. My experience as a mom, biologically speaking, made me realize how important it was to go deeper in developing this framework. I incorporated the wisdom motherhood was revealing so that I could support women to step confidently onto their path to become the mothers they are meant to be and help them to feel empowered and less alone.


In March 2023 I published Aspiring Mama: A Transformative Guide for Finding Your Path to Becoming the Mother You are Meant to Be but I knew that the women who resonated with its message needed more.


I created the Aspiring Mama Course to provide sacred space for you to drop in and experience the transformative power of being guided to explore how you are called to be a mother and create your roadmap to get there.


“I know how powerful this is already. In the little that I’ve done, I have made powerful revelations that I hadn’t previously made in therapy.
I mean, I am a therapist.”


Picture this scenario:

You’re enjoying the slow pace of a summer morning on the patio.  The sun kisses your face. The wind tickles the back of your neck. The sound of birds serenade you. And the warmth of your baby’s skin, sleeping against your chest, enriches every cell of your being.


YOU are a mom now.


You’re living the most amazing lifethe one you dreamt of for so long. You’re incredibly grateful and proud of the choices you made, the work you did, and the courage you had for this to be possible.


As you sip on your morning cup of coffee, you look at how far you’ve come since the time you were starting to think that becoming a mom might simply not happen for you.


You were seriously considering giving up on your dream of motherhood. To say FUCK IT. Suck it up. And live your pretty okay life without complaint.


Then someone came along and created a safe space for you—the aspiring mama—to fully embrace your true desires. For the first time you felt seen, heard, and supported.


You were given the dose of hope needed to keep your dreams alive. And as your heart cracked open, your life started to transform. You embarked on a beautiful journey of rising in love with yourself, building confidence, aligning your life, building a beautiful relationship, and creating fertile ground for your motherhood dreams to come true.


As your baby awakens you are smiling. Your heart is full of love, your breasts are full of milk, and you feel powerful on this new journey…


All of this is possible for YOU—even if you’re single and starting over in your thirties! And if you want to be a mom yet aren’t sure if you want children of your own, how you most authentically desire to express your motherly essence is possible for you.

“Our work together was life changing for me and I truly think it was exactly what I needed to help me achieve our baby dreams!”

C.C. Halifax, Nova Scotia



Go from living in fear and feeling like a ticking time bomb to unleashing the mother within and finding your path to becoming the mother you are meant to be!


In this self-paced course you will… 

  • Take control of your journey to motherhood—even if it hasn’t gone as you hoped thus far, you will feel re-inspired to control the narrative and reclaim your power by learning what you need to focus on and what action you need to take that is aligned with your soul and leave society’s unrealistic expectations and pressure behind!
  • Transform fear and release trauma attached around motherhood
  • Feel safe, connected, and inspired as you ground into your motherly essence and heart’s true desires.
  • Learn the most important mindset shift you need to make in order to become the mother you wish to be.
  • Discover key insights most mothers never share but that you need to thrive on your journey to becoming a mom.
  • Expand your perspective of what it means to be a mother, become a mother, and express your motherly essence in the world.
  • Deepen your connection to your own inner mother and learn how you can mother yourself now.


What you get when you join today:

  • Instant access to the course’s 5 modules with over 30 lessons to support you in awakening the mother within, build your roadmap, and step confidently on your unique path to fulfilling your vision of motherhood.
  • 7 Mini Masterclasses to help you determine where you most need to focus your energy and attention to become the mother you are meant to be.
  • 4 Guided visualizations to support you in getting grounded, tune in to your heart’s whispers, and connect to your womb’s wisdom.
  • Time and space within the lessons to complete the exercises that will support you on your journey.
  • Me as your coach and guide. No woman should feel alone on her journey to and through motherhood. It is an honour to walk alongside you.

“I’m truly so grateful for you. For everything that you provide and this journey. When people ask me how Solana is even here I always say: “Oh, that’s because of my coach!

Christa, California

*When you enroll in the Aspiring Mama Course, a portion of the profits will go towards supporting a woman on her journey to and through motherhood like Christa who recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl thanks to the work we did together! We are committed to ensuring she has a loving and abundant transition into mama hood and believe in the power this work can have beyond the course!

What would it be worth to you to… 


  • Feel clear and connected to your desire to become a mom.
  • Stop living in fear that you may never be a mom and start being one now!
  • Stop feeling like a ticking time bomb and learn how to flow with the biological clock.
  • Take a breath and finally feel good again.
  • Focus on what is within your control and know what to do with your life to play your part in fulfilling your dream of becoming a mom.
  • Be pregnant within the next year.


All of this and more is possible for you when you join the Aspiring Mama Course today!



$497 USD

BONUS: If you need additional support at any point along the way you can add LIVE  1:1 sessions with me at a preferred rate!

Prefer a payment plan? Click here to enroll for 3 monthly payments of $197 USD!


  • You believe in the power of motherhood. Are called to this yet have never had the space to feel safe to stand proudly in this desire.


  • You hate to admit it, but often find yourself wondering “Will I ever be a mom?”


  • Find yourself feeling both happy and sad for friends who announce that they are expecting. You start wondering if something is wrong with you for feeling this way—there isn’t by the way, you simply haven’t been taught that you have the power to take the reigns on becoming a mom in a feminine way.


  • You’ve been navigating and living inside a masculine world and are ready to tap into your beautiful feminine energy.
  • You want to do something exciting this year and challenge yourself—but in a different way than before. No more hustle, settling, or being a “good” girl. Something inside is telling you that there is a better, more sustainable way. Something fluid, expansive, and divinely feminine that unleashes the powerful woman within you.


  • Despite being driven and having accomplished a lot professionally you are craving putting your personal life first. To slow down and tune into your inner world. To have more fun. To build your nest.


  • You’re coachable and willing to honour your call to motherhood and look at it in ways you may have never before…


  • You are not open to learning something new and seeing motherhood in a new way.


  • Aren’t ready to take responsibility for your experience. This course will change your life, guaranteed. However, you must be willing to also believe that it will be life changing for you and bring that energy into your experience.


  • You’re not willing to be vulnerable and give yourself permission to feel in order to heal.
  • Rather blame being too busy to do something like this instead of creating space and time in your life to go through the lessons. If you’re serious about finding your path to becoming the mother you dream of, you must be willing to make it a priority. The course is designed for you to go at your own pace so you don’t need to rush but you do need to show up!


  • Want someone to save you instead of showing up for yourself and doing the work.


  • Would rather do things on your own and see what happens. No judgement. If my coaching style or this course isn’t for you, that’s ok. Honour your path. That’s what I want most for you.

ENROLL RISK FREE WITH OUR 14-DAY Money Back Guarantee!


Due to the immediate access to digital products, I could make all sales final and non-refundable. However, I know how challenging it can be to find what is best for you. Enrolling in a course can be scary. I get. I want you to have the best experience ever and to fulfill your motherhood dreams regardless of whether that is with me or someone else. Thus, if within 14 days of enrolling you realize that this course is not the right fit for you, I will grant you a full refund. No questions asked (although you’re feedback is welcomed and if I can support in finding a better fit, it will be my pleasure to do that). I trust you to make the best decision for you and your future.

If you have any questions today or as you go through the course send an email to and I will be there for you.




  • Stand proudly in your desire for becoming a mom. Be confident when speaking and sharing your truth!


  • Be living your definition of what it means to be a woman and mom—not one set by society’s unrealistic standards or outdated patriarchal ideas.


  • Create an inspiring vision for your life and journey to becoming a mom.


  • Heal past hurts, disappointments, and trauma. Release old stories, ways of being, and expectations that have held you back.
  • Trust divine timing and feel at peace instead of triggered by the “biological clock” concept most women feel pressured by.


  • Feel aligned in all areas of your life and empowered to focus on one thing at a time with clear action steps and goals.


  • Be inspired to proactively prepare for motherhood with tools that you can use for years to come.


  • Tuned into your sacred feminine nature and more in love with yourself and your life than before!



The question is not Will I ever become a mom? but rather How am I already a mother? and In what ways can I fully express that in my life just as it is? When you awaken the mother within, you tap into the creative power you were born with as a woman.


What if becoming a mom was FUN instead of lonely and stressful? As you unleash your divine feminine nature, the playful, abundant, and fertile aspects of you will lead the way and you will discover that it can and is fun!


Instead of waiting until you’re making a baby or bringing yours home to organize your life, you will bridge the gap between where you are and ideally wish to be in all areas of your life and identify which area needs your attention most to make your motherhood dreams come true.


Own your worth, stand your ground, and become the happy sovereign woman that the creations you are here to create, birth, and nurture need you to be! It is time to change the way we show up as women and change the way motherhood is valued in our society. You will create a new paradigm to live into, one where you are fully in your power, joy, and freedom!



Sacred Space

The course is a sacred space for you to connect to your authenticity and desires around motherhood and beyond. What is shared in the lessons, comments, and between us is protected and confidential. Creating a safe space for you to dive into your calling to become mother is a priority.


Me As Your Coach, Guide, & Sacred Space Keeper

I have created this course as if you and I were in the same room. I hold nothing back. I am here to believe in you even when you don’t. Hold your vision when you want to let it go. Keep you in your lane when you are steering off course. Help you see what you can’t. Support you in slowing down enough to hear the whispers of your soul. You get all of me—the woman, the mother, the coach. If you want to add 1:1 sessions to your experience it is possible for you to do so.


Aspiring Mama, The Book

Within the lessons you will be invited to complete powerful exercises as well as refer to the Aspiring Mama book. You will be granted a digital copy of Aspiring Mama that you can read as you go through the course. The book will become a beautiful representation of your journey that you’ll be able to look back on for years to come. Not only that, the work you will be completing will become part of your essential toolkit that you can also revisit at different times in your life—especially once you become a mama!


I can’t promise you that you’ll meet the love of your life and get pregnant within the next year (although it can and has happened.) What I can promise you is that 1-3 years from now your life could be completely transformed in the most magical ways because you decided to trust the inner niggle that told you to take a leap of faith and take control of your destiny.  You’re ready and this course is the path you’ve been looking for. Enroll today and take your first step to become the mother you are meant to be!



You don’t have to wait until you’re in a relationship, pee on a pregnancy test, or hold your baby adoringly to your chest to start your journey to becoming one.

It is time to reclaim our power as women. To create motherhood in a way that aligns with who we truly are. To lift society up to that truth, instead of bending down—or crossing our legs—to the current state of affairs.