Y.O.U. Collective Life Coach Training

Stay in the know about dates for the next program!

You want to take control of your life, create your future, and become the most authentic version of you.


You’ve been looking for a training that will combine your desire for a unique experience and add new skills to your toolbox.


You want to surround yourself with amazing human beings. Be inspired by them just as they will be by you.


You’re ready to jump into something that both excites and terrifies you.


You’ve discovered the Y.O.U. Collective Life Coach Training and are thrilled!

Just as you’re about to do the happy dance, this question comes up:

“Who am I to be a life coach?”

It’s normal.

And if there’s any part of you that’s answering back;

“Who am I NOT to be?”


You’re in the right place.


Let me tell you a secret…two actually.


1. Don’t be intimidated by the term “Life Coach.”

Most coaches find it weird too. Pompous even.

However, our brains like to compartmentalize things and so, the term “Life Coach” works to encapsulate a field that attempts to connect the dots between mind, body, and spirit in the name of fully experiencing this gift called life.


The Y.O.U. Collective Life Coach Training is about you living your best life and supporting others in doing the same. Whether you choose to use the term “Life Coach” is entirely up to you.

I call myself a Lifestyle Designer & Coach, because it’s the best way to suscinctly describe what I do. But I know fully well that the power of coaching lies in the experience of it. The term simply opens up the conversation.

I help people transform with genuine interest in their dreams, listening as they’ve never been listened to before, and offering them the possibility of making possible what they know deep down they are being called to do.


Coaching is an art, a science, and magic all at once. If you’ve been called to explore the field, there’s a reason for it. Don’t ignore it as the world needs more coaches to guide people towards their most authentic lives.


2. The question ,”Who am I to be a life coach?” will help you grow.

When I first started out, I thought: Who the hell am I to be a life coach?

But any doubt I had was won over by the little voice inside of me that pushed me forward.

I could feel inside of me that I was being called to coaching. I had a burning desire to support others and create an extraordinary life doing so.

At 27, I answered the call and jumped into coaching. I thought: “If I start now, imagine how much better I’ll be 25 years from now.”

I started building my practice while holding a full-time job and teaching yoga. And eventually jumped in fully. Years into the game, I still question myself. Not out of doubt, but rather out of a commitment to evolving and never taking this gift for granted. I’ll always consider myself a beginner. This keeps me open to change, fragile at times, yet just as devoted to the long term game as I was on day 1. (PS: Between you and me, doubt does sometimes creep in, but some say that’s part of the creative process. I say it’s part of being human. I just don’t let it call the shots! And you shouldn’t either!)


I don’t pretend to have it all figured out. That would be ludicrous! And you won’t be expected to either.

We are all living this life, in these bodies, for the first time. No one knows with absolute certainty what they are doing or what the future holds!

NB: Be wary of those who do, chances are they are psychopaths. 

Here’s the thing,

Once you step into the world of answering your deepest calling, things get messy.

You’ll often have to let go of being comfortable in the name of becoming who you are being called to become. This is very exciting, and there will also be times when you kick and scream wishing you could avoid living your truth.


But you and I both know that you didn’t come here to live a mediocre life…


I’m fascinated by what makes people tick and come alive, and that is why I’m here.


Chances are, you are too.


You know that you’re ready.

So the questions you need to ask yourself, and answer are:


What is the world losing from you not pursuing your desire for becoming a coach?


How long are you willing to wait before following what your heart pulls you to?


What are all the ways your gifts can inspire others in unraveling theirs?


I know it may feel more “acceptable” to complete a traditional training like a Masters degree or certification from a more “recognized” institution, yet I know that if you’re reading this, you’re looking to do things differently than most. You crave experiences that allow you to build upon your strengths and give you permission to share the things that make you, you.


Welcome to the Y.O.U. Collective Life Coach Training! I’m so glad that you’re here.

Explore what the program is all about.

Picture yourself being a part of it.

Notice how it feels.

And if your heart whispers “let’s do this,” I hope that you’ll listen.


“My first interaction with Melissa was through her Come Alive workshop—ten months after my life as I knew it had blown up. I decided, why not?


I didn’t know what I was really getting in to but it was the first step on a journey that would change my life. This workshop was performed through teleconference. No video, no faces. Only Mel’s voice. I instantly connected with her and listened intently as she helped me rediscover what I wanted my life to look like, the kind of person I wanted to be.


Fast forward a year later and randomly a post from Melissa came up on my Facebook or Instagram feed, asking if “I” wanted to become a life coach. Obviously posted for hundreds of followers to see, I felt like she was speaking directly to me. I was finishing up working a job I hated and wondering what would be next on my crazy journey called life. A resounding HELL YES!!


I filled in the application which consisted of amazing thought-provoking questions. And then one day it happened, as I was walking home from somewhere I don’t remember, my phone rang and the caller ID said Colleret, Melissa…


What followed was a year of being inspired, of learning about myself, of being supported while I pushed myself farther than I thought possible, of peeling back the layers and admitting to myself what I really wanted in life. A year that I will never forget. A year that shows up each and every day of my life, today. A year that has become the springboard for everything I want and everything I desire. A year that changed my life in the most positive way ever imaginable. It’s not surprising that I often take a step back, reflect and think: “What would Mel ask me right now?”


I will be forever grateful to this amazing woman and the women she has brought into my life. Her support, guidance, compassion, and love are woven into the fabric of my life.”


– Julie Brown


“I signed up for the Y.O.U Collective program back in November 2016. At that moment, I knew I needed to do it but did not know exactly what to expect. Prior to this program, I only had two coaching sessions total – therefore I was completely new in the coaching world. All I knew was this: I wanted to start my own business and guide others to plan their own travels.

Doing that program was the best money I have ever spent and I learned a whole lot.

Melissa brought together a group of us who still to this day keep in touch with. Her knowledge and passion to share what she has learned and to guide us in starting our own business was something I have not seen before and I am so grateful for that.


I am not the same person I was when I started the program and that is thanks to Melissa for providing this wonderful space and beautiful gift that she gives.

I can continue to write so many other words, but I am going to end it with this: I have read the new syllabus and the number of new things that has been added is absolutely exciting and to see this program grow. I cannot wait to see the future coaches who sign up and trust me, it was worth every penny I paid into it.”


– Julie Vertzayas, Y.O.U. Collective Coach & Founder of Taste Of Travel